Software engineer, game industry veteran, presently working as a technical director.

United Kingdom

Email please. No phone calls.


I live in the United Kingdom. I work in tech (game industry, assuming this page is up to date). I like a good dad-joke and continuously subject my familiy and friends to a level of humour that is often difficult to endure.


Any attempt to keep a history for my work experience here is likely to be out of date immediately.

However, my LinkedIn profile might be more current!

I would say this though, the game industry is full of brilliant, creative and passionate people and I've always been amazed and humbled to work alongside them.

Funky Circuit

Alongside my professional career, I co-created and engineered some (indie) games. Visit Funky Circuit for more information.


Video games, of course, although these days time is increasingly short.


I like playing tennis and compete at amateur level. You should see my bag-of-medals! It's suprisingly easy to win when only 3 players turn up for a tournament.


I enjoy reading/listening to books - both fiction and non-fiction. If you've met me, I've probably recommended a book to you (Disclaimer: may not be what I'm recommending right now!)

Music & Other

I like playing electric guitar... although "playing" is a bit of a strong word in my case. At some point I bothered uploading bits and pieces on sound cloud.

Page based on: presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks